Robot options offer manufacturers chance to keep jobs in US; MARIO 'bot climbs; MacGyver Bot From Georgia Tech; Gun on wheels

Robot options offer manufacturers chance to keep jobs in US
Entrepreneur Rodney Brooks concedes he doesn't “know yet whether it's going to be successful,” but a new robot line introduced by his Boston firm, Rethink Robotics Inc., offers to perform basic manual tasks for about half the sticker price of bigger ...

MARIO 'bot set to climb at upcoming competition
Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
John Kim, left, and Zach Ellison watch Wade Searcy make adjustments to a prototype robot their Clarksville robotics club is making for an upcoming event.

MacGyver Bot In Production From Georgia Tech
Neon Tommy
That is why the US Navy has given a three year $900,000 grant to the Georgia Institute of Technology to work on what many are calling the “MacGyver bot.

Smart gun on wheels, robotic mule latest steps in automated warriors
Stars and Stripes
“I can send a Marine out there and he can get shot, or I can send a robot out there that can look around, find a target, zoom in, destroy the target, and then make safe my danger areas so the Marines can process through,” Sullivan said.

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