Headlines: Bill Corcoran: Santa Clara utility should abandon dirty coal plant; Is this the best bathroom in San Francisco?; Kyle Huynh, 19, decided ..

Bill Corcoran: Santa Clara utility should abandon dirty coal plant
San Jose Mercury News
The massive San Juan Generating Station coal plant sits a thousand miles away from the air-conditioned offices of Santa Clara and Silicon Valley, where business leaders work to build clean tech markets.

San Francisco Chronicle
Is this the best bathroom in San Francisco?
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) - ‎35 minutes ago‎
For your Friday holiday weekend procrastination time: Did you know there's a contest to determine America's Best Restroom?

Teen arrested after Facebooking a false police report
San Francisco Chronicle
Kyle Huynh, 19, decided to call 911 to report a burglary at a neighbor's home in Fremont and then post the scene on Facebook, police say.

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