Rumored iPad Mini Could Push Holiday iPad Sales to 30 million; Easily the most wanted stocking stuffer

Rumored iPad Mini Could Push 30 M Total iPad Sales
AMOG‎ - by Aki Libo-on‎
Daryanani also added that the iPad maker could gain additional sales of 8 million units in case the 7-inch iPad will hit the stores during the last ...

iPad mini could push total holiday iPad sales to nearly 30 million
BGR‎ - by Brad Reed‎
Launch of 'iPad mini' could push total holiday iPad sales to 30M
Apple Insider‎

Apple - Press Info - Apple Reports Third Quarter Results 24, 2012 – Gross margin was 42.8 percent compared to 41.7 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 62 percent of the quarter's ...

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